Community First Health Plans provide great health care benefits backed by outstanding service, delivered by people who live right here in South Texas.
LOCATION: San Antonio, TX
YEAR: 2022
Community First has been a valued Gateway customer for several years. In 2016, we partnered with Community First to furnish their Oaks II Building. When plans for the new Oaks V Building came out, the goal was to reproduce the look and feel of their new corporate standard set in place seven years ago. We worked closely to develop and plan an office furniture design that we feel coordinated and provided a solution that created a wonderful new space for our valued customer and their employees.
Featured Products from HON and Global:
HON Accelerate, HON Abode, HON Motivate, HON Cliq, Global Lufton, and Global Vion.
“We are a healthcare company, which means we must walk the walk and provide a healthy environment for our staff. This project expands our mission by providing a great space to work so that our employees can help our community members access health benefits. Our staff are showing signs of increased productivity. They are also more inspired to innovate in their own teams and processes. This new space and renovations signal a time for renewal and refreshment to our organization. Thank you, Gateway, for an outstanding service.”
- Rudy Garcia, Business Operation Manager